giovedì 5 giugno 2014

Workshop MAD Eindhoven

Carissima Gloria,

come promesso abbiamo fatto un forum online con il programma per gli studenti NTA, cosicchè tu possa domani invitare i tuoi studenti al workshop. Qui sotto c'è il link per il forum e l'iscrizione al workshop. Spero che sia tutto chiaro, e che il programma sia interessante per gli studenti...sono molto curiosa di vedere la loro reazione! ;) Nel frattempo ho parlato col mio collega Wim Buts che è entusiasta di incontrare tutti i colleghi veneziani il Martedi sera e di venire a visitare l'Accademia il Mercoledi, avendo in quell'occasione un momento di dialogo e scambio con i vostri studenti. Nel frattempo ho anche sentito il prof. Fiengo, che è stato gentilissimo e ci ha dato appuntamento per Mercoledi nel primo pomeriggio, per firmare le carte per il nostro Erasmus staff exchange program. 

Grazie ancora di cuore di tutto e non vedo l'ora di ringraziarti di persona! ;)

A prestissimo,


Talk on historical context of sestieri  & meeting local students 8th of June (afternoon)
Collaborative mapping 9th of June
Personal project 10th of June

9th of June - Collaborative mapping of the informal use of space
What: As students attempt to seek for and walk along the edges of the sestieri they encounter traces of informal use of space. When ‘a trace’ is found they send me an sms and I spread the message to the rest of the group. This way the legend is updated en route. The collaborative practice of this mapping (in which students learn from each other’s observations) is of similar interest as the actual result. The edges of the 6 sestieri will be the area of investigation. 

Informal use of space is the appropriation of space differently than that it’s designed for. It is important that this practice is taking place on a regular base on a same spot and not just a one time thing (this can be read in it’s traces). It can be for instance where the street vendors are stationed, “made in china” stickers on the pavement, message board notices, etc. 

Why: Investigating how today’s global situation is related to the historically defined sestieri. Interested in the informal use of space of the local, the immigrant and the tourist and their interrelations on these border lines of the sestieri. For instance the traces of the motion patterns of the immigrant (street-vendor) with the leisure based motion patterns of the tourist.

How:. Each pair of students gets a map of their sestieri. The students start walking simultaneously trying to stay as close as possible to the border of their sestieri. When they find a ‘trace’ they inform the other students via sms (with me as mediator) so that it’s added to the legend. As they work in pairs on one itinerary, one student takes a picture of the ‘informal use of space’ and the other student notes it down on the physical map (as backup). 

Students have an app installed on their phones that records their itinerary and saves the pictures taken on this path. After the workshop they mail me their walked track so that I can combine the data and upload it to a shared file. We’ll have a map with walked drawings of the accessible borders of the sestieri. I then combine the data and make one map of it with different layers (each layer linked to a trace of informal use of space). I furthermore use this data for a different project I’m testing (in which the walked lines erase that part of the map)

10th of June - Personal project (in pairs: DAE and local student)
If time allows and we finish with this mapping on the 9th, I would like to give the students (and the working in exchange) the chance to elaborate on an own project, working in pairs (DAE and local student). They can choose to further elaborate on a finding of informal use of space of the previous day or to work out something inspired by the story-lecture of Sunday or the mapping we did in Eindhoven. 

Pre-Venice:  A mini-workshop in Eindhoven deciding upon what actors are important in this city (this will be done through another mapping exercise in which students ask people to draw a map of a route in the city that they have well recorded in their memory) and what ‘types’ of informal use of space can be found. Students do this by taking pictures of informal use of space in different areas of Eindhoven. The pictures are all uploaded to a shared drive and in the second class we discuss the most interesting ones and how they are related to the different actors. 

Post-Venice: Students upload their track of “myTracks” to a shared file. I combine the data and make one map of it with different layers, each layer linked to an informal practice. With this map we define what traces/layers are interrelated (for instance the left-overs of fake products cover both the space of immigrants and tourists). We make a distinction between traces that have to do with mutual interest and traces that have to do with conflicting interests between the local, the immigrant and the tourist. On this map we’ll have zones showing these areas of mutual and conflicting interests between the 3 actors. 


Virginia Tassinari

Assistant Professor MAD Faculty
Researcher Social Spaces | CUO
Executive Board Member Cumulus Association

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